Taking the years of experience developing our efficient, secure and precise automated organic AutoFarm has led us to be able to offer the benefits of our systems to any grow. We have pulled out the heart of our machine and created the AutoTender, a fully automated organic nutrient and irrigation system. The AutoTender allows for the retrofit of any room, pre-existing greenhouse or even outdoor garden with our newly introduced Outdoor Model. Grow anywhere with the precision and piece of mind our Hydrocopia Community has come to expect.... and enjoy...
Whether you have a back porch potted vegetable patch, indoor grow or greenhouse that you are tired of tending hour after hour... the AutoTender is the solution to both professional crop production and reclaiming your free time.
Hydrocopia AutoTenders Automated Organic Grow & Irrigation System for retrofit of any greenhouse, room or garden.
adding automation and peace of mind to any garden's grow
Observe, Manage and Control your garden with internet App based convenience from anywhere, including power outage notifications. Never be more than hands reach from your Grow.
Each AutoTender frame is hand crafted to precision using .095 steel square tubing providing industrial strength and durability. The AutoTender frames are adjustable with over a foot of vertical travel to easily accommodate for head room or table/planter height variances.
Grow with ease using any of your favorite water soluble organic nutrients utilizing our custom internally aerated organic nutrient tea brewing system. With internal air and water plumbing directing flow through the compost mediums for optimum tea concentrations and beneficial microbial development.
Our Outdoor Model allows you to take the precision of your indoor grow to the outside garden. Encased in a waterproof housing, this option is the pinnacle of crop management versatility. Please try not to power-wash off our logo :)
Each AutoTender or Autotender:BranchUnit can tend up to 36 individual plants creating a robust yield and crop footprint. Utilizing Hydrocopia's Grow Ring Technology feed your soils confidently without introducing mold causing hydration to your upper foliage.
Each AutoTender is able to stack & control up to 7 additional AutoTender:BranchUnits. No brains, all brawn. Each AutoTender Branch Unit allows your grow to expand by an additional 36 pots and your foot print from room to room or from one side of the yard to the other.
Let Your Grow Grow With You
Feed the planet
Powered by HydroCopia